EAP - Übersetzung nach russisch

EAP - Übersetzung nach russisch

Extensible Authentication Protocol; Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol
  • Общая абстрактная схема работы EAP
  • Структура пакетов EAP

  • 4th Eastern Partnership Summit,<br />[[Riga]], May 2015
  • Pro-EU demonstration on 27 November 2013 in [[Kyiv]]
  • Membership possible}}
  • Warsaw Summit 2011
Eastern partnership; EaP; EPTATF
1. Receive-Address Buffer (Empfangsadresspuffer) буфер для приемных адресов
2. External Application Processor
процессор для внешних приложений


Extensible Authentication Protocol (Reference: Cisco, cryptography, RADIUS)



EAP (англ. Extensible Authentication Protocol, Расширяемый Протокол Аутентификации) — фреймворк аутентификации, который часто используется в беспроводных сетях и соединениях точка-точка. Формат был впервые описан в RFC 3748 и обновлён в RFC 5247.

EAP используется для выбора метода аутентификации, передачи ключей и обработки этих ключей подключаемыми модулями называемыми методами EAP. Существует множество методов EAP, как определенных вместе с самим EAP, так и выпущенных отдельными производителями. EAP не определяет канальный уровень, он только определяет формат сообщений. Каждый протокол использующий EAP имеет собственный протокол инкапсуляции сообщений EAP.

EAP довольно популярный формат, он используется в IEEE 802.11 (WiFi), около ста методов EAP из IEEE 802.1X были приняты в качестве официальных механизмов аутентификации в стандартах WPA и WPA2.

Aussprachebeispiele für EAP
1. so we have EAP.
Developers And Depression _ Greg Baugues _ Talks at Google
2. in your EAP and other things.
Mental Health in the Tech Industry _ Ed Finkler _ Talks at Google
3. you've got folks in EAP, or people
Overcome Negative Thoughts _ Derrick Carpenter _ Talks at Google
4. In addition, there's also the EAP, the Employee Assistance
Fierce Compassion & Self Care _ Sharon Salzberg + More _ Talks at Google
5. So that's why I'd say, look at what you've got in your EAP.
Mental Health in the Tech Industry _ Ed Finkler _ Talks at Google
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für EAP
1. If your company doesn‘t have an EAP, often mental health services are often covered under medical insurance plans. ©
2. Today, more than 80 percent of Fortune‘s Top 500 have an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) in place, according to Katie Borkowski, professional services director of the Employee Assistance Professionals Association.
3. From Nick Meo in Banda Aceh A database helped this father and daughter to find each other (NANI AFRIDA/EAP) MONTHS after survivors of the tsunami abandoned hope for family members who disappeared in Decembers carnage, an Indonesian father and daughter who each believed the other was dead were tearfully reunited yesterday.
4. In Greece, this figure reached 72 percent, which is among the highest in the poll. «Employers do not realize the risk that they face because of this disharmony,» said Anastassia Paraskevopoulou, the head of employee assistance programs at Hellas EAP, a firm which provides help to troubled workers. «This imbalance leads to more illnesses, more sick days and lower employee productivity,» Paraskevopoulou told Kathimerini.
5. Robert Gallucci, a former U.S. diplomat who signed the 1''4 nuclear deal with the North, said the current accord is unclear about how to "deal with gaps between what we expect they should be declaring and what they may declare." If North Korea does not offer a serious declaration, he said, "not only will conservatives _ who are all geared up to throw mud at this thing _ I think even others of us, who really want a deal to work, will say, Well, wait a minute, you really have to achieve some reasonable level of transparency.‘" ___ On the Net: State Department: http://www.state.gov/p/eap/